
River Cities Public Transit

Your donations support the work we do!

Meet Judy!  Judy is from the Murdo area and moved to Pierre several years ago? You may recognize Judy as your friendly greeter at the Walmart in Pierre. Judy loves her job and the people she gets to meet working there.

Judy utilizes River Cities Public Transit’s paratransit services to get from home to work and back again. She loves the convenience and the friendly shuttle drivers she has become friends with over the years. We have been providing trips for Judy for nearly 8 years now. In fact she has a standing reservation with River Cities Public Transit every workday.

Your donations are appreciated.

River Cities Public Transit is a nonprofit that receives Federal Funds to operate public transit. The Federal Funds all require at least a 20% match from local funds. Your donation is a great opportunity for you to help River Cities Public Transit. RCPT provides safe, reliable, and courteous public transportation to the members of our community. Promoting quality of life, livability, self-sufficiency and freedom through mobility is our mission.

If you have any special requests of how your donation should be used please put it in the comments section.

1% funded

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Donation Total: $5

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