Hyde County Transit

River Cities Public Transit

Call 605-852-3030 to schedule a ride

7 am – 7 pm Monday thru Friday and 9 am – 2 pm Sunday (closed Saturday)

  • Public transportation is available in the Highmore area.
  • The fare for a pre-scheduled in-town ride is $1.00 per ride.
  • Youth in-town & Holabird is $.50 and Harrold is $1.00
  • ADA accessible vehicles are available to passengers with special needs.
  • Trips to Rapid City or Sioux Falls will be coordinated with River Cities Public Transit out of Pierre. (This may affect pick-up times)
  • Out of town medical trips are available on off days at a higher rate with a minimum 48-hour advance notice.
  • All out of town medical trips are on a 1st come 1st serve basis and are based on driver availability.
  • Non-medical out of town trips available with 48-hour notice at $2.00 per passenger and a mileage rate of $0.50 / mile.
  • Medicaid is an accepted form of payment for medical trips.

Roundtrip from Highmore to Pierre for Medical Appointments.

(Please note: Appointments must be scheduled between 8 A.M. – 3 P.M. Monday through Friday CST)

Roundtrip from Highmore to Rapid City for Medical Appointments.

(Please note: Appointments must be scheduled between 9 A.M. – Noon MST)

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
$40 $100 $40 $100 $100

Roundtrip from Highmore to Sioux Falls for Medical Appointments.

(Please note: Appointments must be scheduled between 10 A.M. – 1 P.M. CST)

Roundtrip Price:

Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
$100 $40 $100 $40 $100
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